Hey everyone, my site is open finally lol, however as most of you can probably see (assuming you've already looked around) I do not yet have any horses. This is because I'm working on a project or two. I'm building the town of Glendale Country which I'm renaming to Hidden Achres as it's a very big but secluded town. In this town I'm going to have all of my real life friends/family and multiple horse stables so as the town was empty when I downloaded it, it needs work done before it's actually playable!!

In the meantime though I'm taking coat requests and on the side I'll be doing templates as well so you will have content to download, yay!! lol okay. Even if I don't get any requests I'll still be uploading coats of my own just in case any of you actually DO want them. So keep an eye out around here as more and more will be added by the day.

Also, before I log out of here, I want to add in that as I get sims/houses built I will have sims and lots up under the "downloads tab" so definitely keep your eyes open.

Thanks guys have a good one.

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